Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sweet Summertime!!

I ♥ summer!!! It has been so nice to have all this time off to spend it with sweet Charlie.  I can't believe a month has already gone by.....time needs to slow down just a bit! We have had a lot of fun going over to Nana and Papa's to swim.  Charlie loves his raft and getting in the water.  I'm so glad he likes the pool, just like his mom! :)

Papa and Charlie always have a good time together too.  Check out Papa's shirt- World's Greatest Papa.  He's the best Papa and Dad a girl can have.  Hope you had a fun Father's Day!!! We love you!

We also had a baby swim date with some Hyer moms and we had a blast! Here the sweet babies are before we got in the pool.  Aren't they cute?!

I can't wait for more summer fun activities! We are having a blast and loving summer!!!
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