Sunday, January 23, 2011

Welcome Miles Henry Boggs

January has been such an exciting month for the Boggs family.  Miles Henry Boggs was born in the morning of Saturday, January 15th.  He was 9 lbs, 7 oz and 21 inches long.  Isn't he beautiful?! We can't wait for Charlie to meet his cousin. Congrats Matt and Dawn....we are so happy for y'all!! :)
Minutes after birth.....
Sleeping peacefully...
Mom, Dad, and Maw-Maw flew out to California to be there within hours of his birth. Here are a few pictures of everyone with the newest addition to the family.  We wish we could have been there too.
The proud parents to Miles Henry...
 Mom, Dad, Matt, and Miles
 Mom, Maw-Maw, Miles, and Matt
 Nana holding Miles for the first time
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