Sunday, December 14, 2014

Santa- Part 2

This weekend, we headed to the mall for the boys to see Santa.  Charlie had seen Santa last weekend, but Lukie hadn't seen Santa yet this year.  They both did awesome and we had such a fun family afternoon together. 

Charlie telling Santa everything he wants....

 The boys with Santa- Lukie did so good!
 Yay Lukie!
 After they saw Santa, we headed to the Scrooge puppet show.  It was cute and they loved it!

 We then headed to the food court for dinner to Charlie's favorite place- Chipotle!!!

Such a fun day with our little family! As we were driving into the garage, I asked Charlie what his favorite part of the day was and he said the Disney store....not what I was expecting to hear, but oh well! Then, sweet Lukie started saying Santa, Santa!!! I didn't even think Luke was understanding what I was saying and it was his first time to say Santa! Yay Lukie- he is gifted!!! Once we went inside I tried to catch it on video.  Sweet boy! 
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