Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Charlie met Santa for the first time last weekend! He did awesome and we had such a fun afternoon.  I've been excited for this day for a really long time- probably since before he was born! :) I could not wait!!

I had heard it gets crazy crowded on the weekends, so I woke up bright and early on Saturday morning to head to NP to get our Santa tickets.  I could not believe the line- I thought I was doing good and I was #92.  They told us to come back at 3:30.  Wow!!! We went back and they worked us to the front of the line and said we should only have to wait 5-10 minutes.  Pretty good!

Here we are waiting- Charlie just awoke from his nap and had no idea what was going on.  I, on the other hand, was giddy excited!!

Then, the big moment came for him to meet the 'real' Santa! Justin was in charge of taking as many pictures as he could and I was going to try and make him smile- or help if there were any tears.  Charlie did great and no tears! He looked a little stunned though and had this look on his face that said- who are you?!? It was pretty cute! 

Afterwards, we spent the rest of the afternoon Christmas shopping- we got a lot done and I think Charlie enjoyed himself as well.

Such a fun day and a fun first Christmas tradition for our new family of 3! We are looking forward to the many more holiday traditions we will start over the next few weeks!! 
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