Sunday, December 11, 2011

Lovin' 11!

Happy 11 month birthday Charlie! I can not believe that our little guy is already 11 months- one month away from a year! 

This has been another busy and fun-filled month.  He went from crawling last month to pulling himself up and cruising along the furniture this month. It has been so fun and he is becoming quite the little adventurer!!!  Some of our new favorite things he does are- clapping, playing peek-a-boo, opening and closing doors, high-pitched sighing, loud squeals, laughing all the time, babbling and being super verbal! This month has been super fun!

Here are a few highlights from the month........

The beginning of the month we spent the afternoon at the Arboretum.  Charlie was fascinated by the grass- I think it was his first time to play in it! It was a fun afternoon!

He is loving bath time still- this is my favorite part of the day!!! 

The big event of the month was him getting his helmet.  After a few days of adjusting, he is doing pretty good with it.
He has been going weekly to get his head measured and his doctors are amazed by how much it is working!!! We are very pleased too!! He always has a great time at his appointments. 

He has learned to crawl into the dishwasher and help me with the dishes.  He was pretty proud of himself when he did it the first time.  I know he shouldn't be in there- but he just looks so cute!!

He also can pull himself up to standing and loves to take everything off the shelves- those spices did not stay there long--they now have a new home! :)

We caught him on camera stealing food from his friend next to him at Day Care.  He is the one on the upper right of the screen reaching across to the other tray. Notice it's when the teacher had her back turned!

He has definitely outgrown his car seat! Time for the big boy car seat this Christmas!!

He loves opening and closing doors- until he gets locked in and can't open it back up.  Pretty cute!

He is crawling around everywhere.......
 ....and is into everything! We left him for one second and he ripped up three magazines, almost took down the computer, and fell asleep.  Oh my golly kid!!!

He was in his first 5K run!!

He hosted his first Thanksgiving at our house and had turkey for the first time!!!!

He loves to bang everything against the floor or table. 

He eats non-stop I feel like.  He has three meals a day plus one snack and most are fingers foods.  His favorite by far of the month were meatballs.  Yummy!!! He also tried scrambled eggs and loved them.  I'm loving making his foods in our new kitchen!!

Happy 11 months sweet thing! I can't believe the next month I will be posting about your one year birthday!!! Time needs to slow down a bit! 
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