Luke spent 10 days in the Special Care Nursery of the hospital after he was discharged from the NICU. During this time, they helped him with his feedings and monitored him around the clock. The nurses in special care were amazing and we were so thankful they watched over our little Luke during the 10 days we were with them.
What his new room looked like...
Tired momma and dadda....
Daddy and Luke
Nana and Papa with Luke
Momma and Luke
While we were there....we thought Luke changed daily. We tried to get as many pictures as we could to document him changing during his first days of life....
No more pictures!!! :)
Taking his first bath....While we were at the hospital, Charlie was being well taken care of by his grandparents. He wasn't allowed in the special care nursery due to RSV season, so he hasn't met his little brother yet. We did go home a few nights and it was so good to see our sweet boy again and spend time with him!