Monday, March 25, 2013

Life with Luke!

Life with our family of 4 has been pretty darn sweet!! Especially knowing that our little Luke is healthy, happy, and home! 

Luke has had a lot of firsts over the past week.  Having his first bath, he seemed to really enjoy the water and stayed pretty calm.  Maybe he will be a lover of the water and sun like his Mama!

After his bath, the teacher in me thought it was the perfect time for his first book. It was the same first book I read to Charlie- On the Night You Were Born.  I sure hope that Luke has a love for books like his big brother does.

He also had his follow up appointment after discharging from Special Care.  Time to head in....
He had a weight check and is doing great!!!  6 pounds, 7 ounces--up 10 ounces from birth--way to go Luke!!

Later in the week, Luke had his first photo shoot; here is a sneak peak at one of the pictures.  We can't wait to see more of them!!
We have had many visitors over the past week--these were just the few that we got photos. We are thankful for all of the meals and good company, and blessed to have such wonderful family and friends!
Even though Justin was recovering from his surgery, it was a bonus having him home with us! Charlie took advantage and got in plenty of rounds of Old McDonald or "Oh-meh-dahno". 
As you can tell, Luke was the life of the St. Patrick's Day party.
Fearing Luke's arrival might be tough on big brother, we have tried to give Charlie more attention lately.  He definitely soaks it up! He LOVES entertaining us with his Elmo guitar and awesome dance moves! :) He even got some serious air on that middle one!
♫ ding-dong  "Is someone here to bring me a present?!"

Charlie is really sweet with Luke and wants to be next to his baby brother ("Bay-ooke!") whenever he can--it's hard to believe Charlie was once this small just 2 years ago.

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