Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Winter ONEderland: The Decorations

I was so excited to start planning Charlie's first birthday.  I went back and forth for a few months about what the perfect theme would be for his big day.  With the help of Pinterest and Etsy I finally decided on Winter ONE-derland! 

Welcome sign on front door

Because his party was from 3-5 (after the birthday boys naps), I thought it would be best to have a dessert bar  

The hutch filled with a picture collage of my pregnancy and Charlie's first year of life

The mantle

View into the living room

The birthday boy's high chair decorations

The picture banner in the living room with a picture from each month

The monthly pictures we took each month with his monkey.  I can't believe how much he has grown!!! 

The garland and snowflakes hanging from the ceiling

 Hot chocolate bar with water

Check back soon from pictures from the Winter ONE-derland Party!! 
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