Saturday, January 28, 2012

We're done......almost!!!

Yesterday was Charlie's last helmet appointment!  Yay! We have been so pleased with his progress, and I know Charlie is going to miss going every other week.  He always has so much fun at his appointments!!  

He even decided to (almost!) stand on his own while we were waiting.  He was so proud of himself that he started clapping! Very cute!!

We loved his PT and we are going to miss her so much.  She was wonderful with Charlie!!

Look at his before and after photos--we are amazed! His head tilt (neck strength) is 100 times better and the shape of his head changed too.  WOW! They recommended we keep it on for two more weeks on our own to help one section continue to round out. So just a few more days and he is done with the helmet! Woohoo!

Way to go Charlie- we have an official Doc Band Graduate!!! 
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