Thursday, October 22, 2015

First field trip

Last week Charlie went on his first field trip with his sweet class.  They went to an art studio and he LOVED every minute of it.  He has been loving art lately, so this was the perfect field trip for him!

Here they are getting instructions for the day....

 They made these Halloween monsters.  The first step was to paint it and Charlie chose he favorite color red....

 They then moved inside and made the eyes....

 .....and feet
 The finished product! He was so proud!
 His sweet class with their monsters! Charlie loved his first field trip and I loved that I was able to be there with him.  Such a fun morning!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Thursdays with Luke

Thursdays just might be my favorite day of the week this school year- but don't tell Charlie.  :) Thursdays are when big brother goes to PreK and it's just Lukie and I all day together.  It has never been just Luke and I and we have so much fun!! He is giddy happy from the moment I drop off Charlie until we pick him up in the afternoon.  It's pretty cute! We miss not having big bro with us, but it sure is nice to have time with just Lukie.  Here is what our Thursdays have been like....

We went to storytime at the library....he sang, danced, read books, and made music.  All of his favorite things in one class! It was like the class was made just for him. :)

 We have had many park dates- he loves the slide!

 We played with friends whose big sister is in school on Thursday too!
 We went on bike rides...
 We went back to the park to swing....
 He loves playing dress up- he told me to call him Fireman Luke!
We also played with friends who are in his class at school, but I was too busy talking to take pics of the fun he was having.  We are so lucky to be in such a sweet class!

He is at such a fun age and I love that I get a day with just him to enjoy it! Love you Lukie!!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Pumpkin Patch Fun!

Last Friday, we joined Nana and headed to the Arboretum for some pumpkin patch fun! We haven't been in two years and this was Luke first time to enjoy the pumpkins at the Arboretum.  He was a little shocked at first with how many pumpkins there were! I'm not sure he knew what to think!

 Charlie just hopped on this pumpkins and said take my picture.  Cheese!
Nana and I were busy talking and we look up and see this.  Love! They have their moments but can be so sweet together! 

 Come on Luke- let's race to the pumpkin house!

Love these little pumpkins....
Their favorite part of the entire day was throwing the hay.  They could have done this all day!!

 Charlie was really cheesing it with the pumpkins....

 ....Luke on the other hand really enjoyed throwing the hay!
 Sweet Lukie!
 I loved this! Go Horns!
 I really wanted to get a good pic with the boys.  The first one Charlie wanted to sit by himself and not with us.  What?
 This was a little better- I'll take what I can get these days.
 Thanks Nana for joining us today.  We had the best day! I love being home and enjoying special days like this!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Charlie started playing soccer this season and it is so much fun to watch him play  He started very nervous and week 1 he wouldn't even play.  Each week his confidence has grown and he is loving it!  Here are a few of our favorite shots of him playing....

Week 1- he is the boy sitting on the field crying! At this point, we thought we were in for a LONG season! Oh boy! 

Week 2- he was like a new kid! He played and loved it! 

Week 3- his confidence really started to grow and he scored his first goal!!! Yay Charlie! This was definitely a turning point towards soccer and the rest of the games he did awesome! 

 His cheering section after the game he scored his first goal!

His soccer buddy! Such sweet friends!
Way to go Char! We are so proud of our little soccer star!

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