Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Goodbye Summer!

Well summer has quickly left.  It was by far the fastest and best summer we have had in a long, long time.  No surgeries, no moving, no house showings, no crazy newborn feedings, and no rushing around.  Just hanging out and relaxing with the boys.  Below are the highlights.

Summer started with celebrating Justin's birthday, seeing William Fitzsimmons at the Kessler.
A few days later we saw George's last concert! It was awesome- thanks Mom and Dad!!

We then headed to Florida for our family vacation.  Luke's first time on a plane and to the beach.  We had a great time and we were exhausted after our first family vacation as a family of 4! :)

The day we got back Charlie started swimming lessons.  If you had been around Charlie and the water before swimming lessons you would know he was terrified of the water! He would cry even if he saw a pool.  By the end of the summer he was swimming on his own and he graduated to the next level at his swim school.  I could not have been more proud of him.  Way to go Char!!

Luke had tubes the middle of June and he was a trooper.  The tubes have helped him so much and hopefully they continue to help as we enter the fall.
Starting my morning with these two was so much fun!! Loved making breakfast for them and being home!!

Charlie had a dentist appointment and did amazing! This time last year he cried and it was not a very good experience.  What a difference a year makes!
Charlie also had many bike rides this summer- he is doing really good and improving each time!

 We went to the farm the end of July and had a blast.

Luke and I had a fun summer at Little Gym- very sad that our classes are coming to an end!

We had many swim dates at Nana and no pictures! :( Not sure how that happened!

We went to the Perot with Miles and Kennedy and had a blast!! His favorite part was digging for dino bones!

We also went to the Arboretum and loved the Children's area!
Justin and I had a wonderful getaway in beautiful Puerto Rico!!
The boys LOVED going to the splash pad.  We spend many mornings here towards the end of summer.  Charlie asked me why it isn't open all year long.  Sweet boy!!

We had a fun morning with Nana at Klyde Warren Park

We sat in the back of Justin's truck and watched the rain one night- Charlie loved it!

And the summer ended with a trip up to SWA to visit Daddy and Uncle Adam

Goodbye summer! Thank you for all the wonderful memories our little family made- it sure was a great one!! Here's to a calm and healthy 2014-15 school year!
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