Saturday, August 30, 2014

Back to School!

School started last Monday and we all survived and we are getting back into our school routines.  Thankfully the boys went to school two days a week over the summer, which made the transition a little bit easier!!  Charlie is now in the Preschool/PreK side of his school and Luke has moved up to the Toddler room.

 Tried to get a good picture of both of the boys, but they is easier said than done these days! :)

They both had a great full week back at school.  Here are a few pictures their teachers emailed from the first week....
Charlie loving the home center and dressing up...
Luke loved crawling through the tunnel and playing with the sensory box...

 While the boys were having fun at school, I was enjoying my sweet new class.  We had a great first week together and I'm exhausted!!! VERY thankful for the three day weekend!! 
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