Sunday, August 4, 2013

5 months

I can't believe this sweet boy is already five months. What a crazy month is has been!! Thank you to Nana and Gigi for helping out so much with the boys this month while my arm heals. Not sure what we would have done without y'all!!

Happy 5 months Luke!

One big milestone he had this month was him rolling!! Any time you place him on his belly he immediately rolls over- way to go Luke! He getting very strong too and lifts his head very high!

Another big event was that he got his helmet.  Doesn't he look cute?! He has been a trooper and done really well with it.
He takes a big boy bath now- no sling needed for this guy!!
He has graduated from the swaddle and sleeps at night in his sleep sack.  He is an awesome sleeper- takes 3 naps during the day on his belly and sleeps 11-12 hours at night! Thank you Luke!
He also loved hanging out with his big brother

Happy 5 months sweet boy!
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