Tuesday, July 9, 2013

4 months

Happy 4 months sweet Luke!

We had his 4 month check up last week and all was great.  Below are his stats:
Weight: 14 pounds, 11 ounces- 32nd%
Height: 25.25 inches- 53rd%
Head: 16 inches- 19th%

The big milestone this month was his head lift.  He even rolled from his belly to his back once, but we weren't expecting it and didn't catch it on video.  Way to go Luke!

He also started smiling more this month- he is such a sweet boy!
He has found his hands and they are in his mouth all the time!
This boy is full.   
He loves night time reading with his big brother
He also enjoyed hanging out with his big brother this month

And enjoyed bath time
He is such a calm and laid back baby- hope this continues!!

Happy 4 months sweet boy!!!

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