Friday, July 26, 2013

It's official!

Call us crazy, but we closed on our new house this week- which is a street behind us! Yes, we haven't even lived in our current house for a year yet, Justin is still recovering from neck surgery, we have a newborn and crazy 2.5 year old, and I just fractured my elbow.  But, it was one of our favorites houses of the neighborhood and we couldn't pass it up.   Isn't it beautiful?! We aren't moving in for a few more months, which will give us a little more time to pack, thank goodness!! We can't wait to move in and start making new memories here.  This is our last move for a while- and we mean it this time! :)

Monday, July 22, 2013

Big boy bed

Charlie has officially graduated to his toddler bed!  This was something that needed to be done for a while now.  With me not being able to lift him because of my arm it forced us to do it.  He did great with the transition!

Toddler bed!
He was so proud of himself....

Story time with daddy....
All tucked in with all of his animals....
We are in trouble!
Night night Charlie!!

Friday, July 19, 2013


10 years ago today we said 'I do'! Here is a trip down memory lane of some of our favorite memories we have made together.  Looking forward to the next 10 years together!!!

2003- Wedding and St. Lucia Honeymoon

 2004- California
 2005- Italy
2006- Playa
2007- San Diego Holiday Bowl
2008- Austin and Grand Canyon

2009- Bora Bora and SMU Masters Graduation

2010- Australia!
2011- Charlie's birth
 2012- Charlie's 1st birthday and Christmas

2013- Luke's Birth and 4th of July

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Being 2 1/2

Charlie is officially 2.5!! He has graduated from the monthly posts- but I wanted to highlight his life as a crazy 2.5 year old.....

He is a very picky eater.  He would eat mac and cheese, spaghetti, beef/cheese rice or peanut butter and jelly for every meal if he could! Sometimes he can be a bit demanding when it comes to requirements for eating time.  Not sure why he needed his golf bag with him--but we are just glad he is eating and don't ask! Maybe we have a future golfer on our hands!
This is what dinner looks like after he enjoys spaghetti
He also enjoys eating breakfast with his sunglasses on
He is obsessed with fire trucks and firefighters! This is his "firetruck hat" that he wears everywhere! I guess I can see the resemblance?? He also runs through the house making the fire truck noises all day long!
He likes to be called the Big Bad Wolf- again not sure where this came from but he tells everyone he is the Big Bad Wolf.  Oh my golly!!!
He can have a "terrible 2" moment at any time of the day.  This happened when we came home from a playdate and he realized he was home and wanted to go back and jump on the trampolines....
 or when he doesn't want to go on a walk with Mama or baby Luke!
 We are currently potty training and he loves having no clothes on.  This is how you will find him most days in the morning or after his nap time! Yikes! I think the monster shirt is about right!
He likes to tuck all of his animals in  and cover them up with his blanket before falling asleep.  He also gives them a kiss good night- pretty cute!!
He goes from walking to sprinting in a matter of moments.  I get my daily workout from chasing after him! Maybe we have a future track star on our hands.

He enjoys hanging out with me while I get ready in the morning
He likes to dress up like Mama and Daddy
He can be really sweet and help with baby Luke's bath time

Happy 2.5 years crazy boy!!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Another one down :(

Just as things were starting to calm down a bit after Justin's neck surgery, Luke's birth, and buying and selling our house, this happened....
I've been working out at 5:30am because I quickly realized that was the only time I can fit in in now with 2 boys.  I recently joined a boot camp class that was awesome.  I was loving it and starting to feel like I was getting back to normal after having Luke. Friday I was running on the pavement, tripped and fell.  I busted up my knee really bad and fractured my elbow.  Really?! Who does this? I can't straighten my right arm, lift the boys, feed Luke, drive, etc.. Basically I can't do much of anything without something hurting! It really stinks!! 

I am thankful for Justin who has stepped in as Mr. Mom and all of our family who has offered help.  Praying that it heals quickly and I'm back to normal soon to enjoy the end of summer with the boys before the school year starts again. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

4 months

Happy 4 months sweet Luke!

We had his 4 month check up last week and all was great.  Below are his stats:
Weight: 14 pounds, 11 ounces- 32nd%
Height: 25.25 inches- 53rd%
Head: 16 inches- 19th%

The big milestone this month was his head lift.  He even rolled from his belly to his back once, but we weren't expecting it and didn't catch it on video.  Way to go Luke!

He also started smiling more this month- he is such a sweet boy!
He has found his hands and they are in his mouth all the time!
This boy is full.   
He loves night time reading with his big brother
He also enjoyed hanging out with his big brother this month

And enjoyed bath time
He is such a calm and laid back baby- hope this continues!!

Happy 4 months sweet boy!!!

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