Saturday, February 9, 2013

31 weeks

I'm a little behind on my blog posts- I'm actually 32 weeks now, but this was taken at 31 weeks.  Luke is getting bigger and bigger by the moment! He is in the 81%ile, and at 31 weeks he weighed in at 4 pounds with a heartbeat of 156.  Wow!! He's growing wonderfully and here is a sneak peak of him- it's harder and harder to get a good picture of him because he is running out of room.  But, I do love seeing him so often!
 Charlie is getting ready to be a big brother.  Most of the baby things are out and Charlie loves playing with him.  His favorite is getting in the bouncer- he seems to think that it is for him!

I'm starting to feel really huge and wasn't too thrilled about taking my picture this month- but here is it is for documentation sake.  As you can tell month seven was not my favorite month. But, we are getting closer to meeting this little guy!

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