Monday, December 17, 2012

Holiday Party

Charlie had his holiday party at his school last Friday and it was so much fun! It really consisted of them eating and then running around- but it was still really cute! :)

After they got on a sugar high, they ran around like crazy toddlers! Oh my!!

After the party, each class sang a song for the school holiday performance.  Charlie's class sang Frosty the Snowman- it was hilarious watching these almost 2 year olds.  There really was no singing and they just stared at the audience! Pretty cute! Oh and they were all supposed to dress like snowmen. :)
He tried to dance with his friend- but I don't think the other little boy was really into it. :)
Not sure what Charlie has in hand- probably something he wouldn't put down before the performance
You can watch the holiday performance here..... 
What a fun afternoon we had at Charlie's school! We are so thankful for all they do for our sweet Charlie!!!
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