Friday, June 8, 2012

Hello Summer!!!

Two Fridays ago, was both Charlie and I's last day of school before summer break! Charlie said bye to his sweet teachers- they truly are AMAZING and we have been very blessed to find such a great school with wonderful teachers and staff that love him! We will miss them over the summer!!!
I also said bye to my sweet, sweet class too- this is one class that I am really going to miss! They were a great bunch and it was hard to pass them on- I only cried twice-which I thought was good! :)  3rd grade is really lucky to have this bunch!!!!
Our first two weeks of summer have already been wonderful- Memorial Day, storytime, music class, Little Gym, park dates, family time, tutoring, swimming- it's all been wonderful! Charlie even sat in on his first interview and helped us decided on our new 2nd grade teacher. :) That was an experience, but he did much better than I thought he would. If the start of summer is this good, I can't imagine what the rest of the summer will bring.  

I hope everyone has a wonderful summer- I know we will!!! Whohooo!
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