Sunday, February 5, 2012

13 months!

Happy 13 months sweet boy.....
....and happy Super Bowl weekend!!! We needed to have the football in the picture to remember. :)

I decided that since he is a big ONE year old to move our monthly photos in front of the growth chart.  He is still working on standing, so we just had him sit in front of it.  I thought that would be easy- but it was tough.  He kept wanting to go and grab his truck (or anything) to play with.  Busy little boy!
 But, we were able to get a few good ones.  Here is one of him almost standing by himself.  We are still working on it!! Maybe once he reaches his due date he will want to stand by himself.  We are getting closer!!!

The month of January has been all about being sick or hurt! Boo--not a fun month for Mr. Charlie.  It all started a few days after his first birthday when he fell off his changing table and busted his lip.  Blood was everywhere! Ouch!

After that came his 3rd ear infection, which then turned into thrush because he had been on so many antibiotics!!! Yikes! Not fun at all!!! Good news though is that we went back to the doctor this week and he recommended no tubes right now.  Yay!!!

Then to end the month, he had an allergic reaction to a spider or ant bite- we still aren't sure which one.  His ear blew up like a balloon and was the scariest thing.  Here are a few pics of it.....

The doc recommended benadryl and it went back to normal within a few days.  Glad it worked- but it made for a scary few days!

Between all of the craziness of the month, we didn't get many pictures.  But, he is doing much better and his 14 month is already off to a great start! :)
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