Sunday, May 22, 2011

Look who's 372 months old!

This weekend was Justin's 31st birthday.  We had such a fun weekend celebrating! Saturday we went out to watch the golf tournament at The Colonial in Ft. Worth.  We then headed to Cooper's BBQ in The Stockyards for dinner.  They have a Cooper's in Llano that Justin loved while we were in Austin.  He loves some good barbeque and has been wanting to try the one in Ft. Worth.  It was yummy!!! Thank you Nana and Papa for watching Charlie while we celebrated Justin's birthday.  It was nice to get away for the day.    Here the birthday boy is before heading in...
Getting everything ready.....
Enjoying a wonderful meal....

The next day we had a wonderful pancake breakfast, went to church, and had a relaxing afternoon. It was a fun family day and I know Charlie enjoyed spending the day with his dad. :)

Happy birthday to the best dad and husband! Thanks so much for all you do for us on a daily basis! Charlie and I love you so much!
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