Saturday, May 7, 2011

4 month stats

Charlie had his 4 month appointment yesterday and everything went great! Here are his stats:
Weight: 14 pounds, 12 ounces- 50%
Length: 24 inches- 25%
Head Circumference: 75%!

His doctor was extremely pleased with his weight gain and how he is doing developmentally.  This was such an answer to our prayers!!  Charlie is still having trouble lifting his head on his own, but the doctor wasn't that concerned and said he probably will be able to by next month.  He suggested more tummy time would help.  As many of you know, the four month appointment includes a lot of shots.  But, Charlie was a trooper and did great.  He only cried for a little bit and then was back to his happy self.  Here he is before the shots.  He had no idea what was about to come....

During...poor little guy!
And after....all better :)

After the appointment we went to dinner to celebrate our little boy. :) It was so nice to sit on the patio and relax.  Charlie did wonderful and even took a nap during dinner.  

We love you Charlie and are so proud of you!!! We feel SO blessed to have such a happy and healthy baby boy!!! 
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