Tuesday, May 31, 2011

We are blessed.....

....to have such WONDERFUL family and friends living so close that love playing a part in sweet Charlie's life.  Our moms watched Charlie for my last 10 weeks of school and we were so lucky to have their help.  It made the transition so much easier knowing that he was in such great hands! My last day of school was Friday (Yahoo!!!!) and I'm so excited to spend the entire summer with our little man.  I know he will miss seeing his grandmothers daily though. Here are a few pictures of what they have been up to for the past few weeks....
Love his smiles....
He is loving to suck on his thumb or anything that ends up in his mouth
Tummy time....
Road trips...
Spending time with Big Daddy- who he was named after...
Playing with his new excersaucer....he doesn't know what to think of it quite yet
Just hanging out....

My moms last day with Charlie she brought him up to my school for the kids to see him one last time before summer.  Here we are with the class- some of the boys are at the Byron Nelson, I usually have 23 kiddoes on a normal day
Charlie, Meagan, and I....we will miss you!!

Here are two videos of him escaping his woombie.  A woombie zips up and is supposed to keep a baby snug and tight.  Underneath the woombie we double swaddle him very tight so he can't escape.   Never thought this would happen! We have a pretty clever guy on our hands.  The videos are pretty cute! 

Thank you, thank you so much to our moms for taking time out of their busy lives to watch Charlie for the past 2 1/2 months.  We could not be more thankful for you helping us out! We truly appreciate everything!!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Rockin' and Rollin'

Charlie hit a huge milestone this month.....he's ROLLING!! He starts on his belly and then rolls to his back.  He's been doing it for a few weeks now.  I have taken a ton of pictures of him doing it, but yesterday I caught it on video.

Here our happy baby is doing his mini pushup during tummy time
Getting ready to roll
Yay Charlie!!

Here it is on video

Way to go Charlie!! We are so proud of you! 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Look who's 372 months old!

This weekend was Justin's 31st birthday.  We had such a fun weekend celebrating! Saturday we went out to watch the golf tournament at The Colonial in Ft. Worth.  We then headed to Cooper's BBQ in The Stockyards for dinner.  They have a Cooper's in Llano that Justin loved while we were in Austin.  He loves some good barbeque and has been wanting to try the one in Ft. Worth.  It was yummy!!! Thank you Nana and Papa for watching Charlie while we celebrated Justin's birthday.  It was nice to get away for the day.    Here the birthday boy is before heading in...
Getting everything ready.....
Enjoying a wonderful meal....

The next day we had a wonderful pancake breakfast, went to church, and had a relaxing afternoon. It was a fun family day and I know Charlie enjoyed spending the day with his dad. :)

Happy birthday to the best dad and husband! Thanks so much for all you do for us on a daily basis! Charlie and I love you so much!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

First Mother's Day

What a special and eventful weekend last weekend was! On Friday, we had our family dinner together to celebrate Mother's day.  It was delicious and so relaxing! Saturday we celebrated with Justin's family.  Dinner was wonderful and then they headed back to our house for dessert.  Sunday was the big day! We went over to my parents house where the guys cooked and the moms were able to sit by the pool and relax.  It was wonderful!!! Here the guys are (minus Kraig) cooking in the kitchen....

The meal was delicious...brisket, salad, okra, macaroni and cheese, sweet potatoes, corn, and rolls.  Yummy!!!

The guys even cleaned up.....it was great! I think we started a new tradition!!

 While they were cooking and cleaning Charlie kept us pretty entertained while we relaxed.  In honor of the Mavericks in the playoffs, Mom and Dad bought him a Mavericks onesie to cheer them on.  It is a little large (18 months!) but Charlie will be able to get a lot of good wear out of it.  He might even still be wearing it next Mother's day! :)

With Maw-Maw


He even had a few cooing conversations with Nana and Maw-Maw.  It was pretty cute!!!

After the guys cleaned up, Papa made sure that he had his 'Charlie' time....

Between all this Charlie took a short nap....and sucked on his hands a lot....

I love you sweet Charlie and I'm so proud to be your mom! Thank you for all your smiles and giggles....they brighten my day each and every day!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

4 month stats

Charlie had his 4 month appointment yesterday and everything went great! Here are his stats:
Weight: 14 pounds, 12 ounces- 50%
Length: 24 inches- 25%
Head Circumference: 75%!

His doctor was extremely pleased with his weight gain and how he is doing developmentally.  This was such an answer to our prayers!!  Charlie is still having trouble lifting his head on his own, but the doctor wasn't that concerned and said he probably will be able to by next month.  He suggested more tummy time would help.  As many of you know, the four month appointment includes a lot of shots.  But, Charlie was a trooper and did great.  He only cried for a little bit and then was back to his happy self.  Here he is before the shots.  He had no idea what was about to come....

During...poor little guy!
And after....all better :)

After the appointment we went to dinner to celebrate our little boy. :) It was so nice to sit on the patio and relax.  Charlie did wonderful and even took a nap during dinner.  

We love you Charlie and are so proud of you!!! We feel SO blessed to have such a happy and healthy baby boy!!! 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Guess who is 4 months?!

Baby Charlie is!!!!

We can not believe that our sweet boy is already 4 months!  This month has flown by and again has been our favorite month!! Each month just keeps getting better and better! He has been smiling and cooing up a storm.  We love carrying on a conversation with him.....it's pretty cute!!! Look how much he has grown over the past four months....we can not believe it!!!

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Here are some highlights from the month.....

He has found his hands.  He loves to put them in his mouth or just clasp them together all the time!!!

He has moved into size 2 diapers! Yay Charlie!!!

He has turned into an awesome sleeper!!! Most nights he will sleep around 11 hours straight!!!! Yay Charlie!!!!! Waking him up his my favorite part of the day. He wakes up so happy! :)

He is more alert during our nightly reading time- another one of my favorite times during the day. Even though he is not looking at the book here, I think he is soaking it all in! :)

He is meeting more and more people each month.  Just yesterday he met Jenny, Zack,  and sweet Bekah.  Jenny was my roomate in college and now lives in Houston.  Charlie pretty much slept during our visit, but it was great to see them!! Thanks so much for stopping by!

Happy 4 month birthday Charlie!! We love you so much sweet thing!
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