Monday, April 20, 2015

Week of the Young Child

Last week was 'Week of the Young Child' at the boys school.  The theme this year was Dr. Seuss and each day was filled with fun activities to go along with Dr. Seuss books.  The week ended with a fun parent/child picnic.  

Each class had their artwork in the hallway displayed for parents to see....

Luke and his buddy Henry getting ready to eat! His class mainly just sat at their table and ate lunch- it was pretty calm for 2 year olds. :)
We then headed to Charlie's class on the playground.  He was dressed as 'Thing 5' for the day and was so proud!

The first thing he wanted to show me was his new trick of jumping and hanging onto this airplane thing 
Charlie and his buddies from his class and the Pre-K room!
 Charlie and Merritt.....
 Sean, Charlie, and Alex
 He loved sliding down the slide with his friends....

 Charlie's teacher turned on the music and it turned into a 4 year old dance party!

 Bubbles!!! Pure joy!!

 While all this was going on, Luke was happy just throwing the wood chips from the playground. :)
The picnic then started.  The boys ate the school food and the staff grilled hamburgers and hotdogs for the parents.  It was so nice!
 It was then time for Luke's nap and Charlie walked him back to his class.  I just had to document them being sweet to each other. :)
 What a fun afternoon at the boys school! I love days like this!!
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