Thursday, November 7, 2013

Fall Fun

I heart fall!! We kicked off the season with a trip to the Perot museum with Nana on my day off.  Charlie had a blast and it was so much fun to spend extra time with the boys and Nana!!

 I think he had a fun time!!

The next weekend we headed to the Pumpkin Patch- this was one of my favorite things we did this season! Being 2.5 is so magical- it is so much fun to see him experience all of these new things for the first time.

My pumpkin!

 Luke even had fun too! :)
 Once he was bored with the pumpkins, Charlie found the animals.
 And he was able to feed the goats!! So much fun!!!

 Next stop- the hayride!

 Luke loved his first time to the pumpkin patch!!

 Very hard to get a good pic with these two!
 The last thing we did before heading home was the maze- Charlie thought it was the greatest thing ever!

And the last of our October fun was pumpkin carving!! Daddy and Charlie did great!!

Next up..... Halloween!!!
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