Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Day

Merry Christmas everyone!!! 
We were so excited for Charlie to see what Santa brought for him! 
 ....looks like he already has the hang of this!
 The first thing he went to was his new tricycle--he loved it!!

We then headed to Nana and Papa's for more Christmas fun!! This was the first Christmas in many, many years that the entire family was all together.  It was so special having Matt home!!!

As soon as we got there, we started with the boys stockings! Charlie digged right in!
Then it was onto the presents....the boys LOVED the new wagon Charlie got and they insisted everyone push them around the house in it!!
He loved playing with Miles' racetrack.....
 ....and was really loving opening his gifts.
After a yummy meal, the snow began falling down more and we had a beautiful white Christmas!!! We took the boys to play in it for a bit.  Charlie's expression when he saw the snow was priceless!!
 Erin made a great snowman--I can't believe how much snow we had!!!
Matt and Miles

White Christmas!!!
 It was a wonderful Christmas this year and we loved having the entire family together!!!

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