Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pumpkin Patch Fun!

Last weekend, my mom and I headed to the Arboretum for a day of pumpkin patch fun!  I was determined to get the perfect pumpkin patch picture- but I quickly realized that was hard to do with such an active toddler.  Perfect picture or not....we still had a blast!

Charlie was more interested in picking up the pumpkins and throwing them than posing with them!
 After he was done throwing, I was able to get a few cute shots!
He then would pick up all of the small pumpkins and give them to Nana- he loved those little pumpkins!

 He also loved picking the hay and throwing it in the air....

 Climbing on the pumpkins was another favorite thing....
 Hi Nana and Charlie!
 Nana and Charlie
 Say Cheese!
 Such a cutie!
 He loved playing peek-a-boo with Nana!
 I cherish days like this- we had such a fun day!!!

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