Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy Half Birthday!! 18 months!!!

Happy half birthday sweet Charlie!!! I can't believe that we have a 1 1/2 year old- where did the time go?!  Craziness!!!!
He had his 18 month appointment last week--his doctor was pleased and all was good! He was really impressed with his weight and height. No one would know that this boy was a preemie!! Makes us very proud!!!
Weight:  27 pounds - 50-75%
Height: 34 3/4 inches - 95%

Our first month of summer has been a fun, but crazy busy one!!! Between buying our new home, packing, and countless showings trying to sell our current home we haven't had much down time.

My favorite thing so far this summer is taking Charlie to all of our mommy and me classes!!!! It has been so much fun!!!! Charlie has a BLAST!!! It has helped him developmentally and socially so much!!

Since going, he thinks our house is a gym.  He is literally climbing on everything and is so proud of himself for doing it!!!

At Art class, I'm doing most of the 'art' work, but we still have lots of fun! I think Charlie has more fun playing with the sand and water than the art though!

We've also been enjoying story-time at the Library- again Charlie loves it!!! And one day each week, he spends the day with Nana or Gigi while I tutor.  He loves the extra time he spends with them!
Other highlights during his 18th month was celebrating Justin's 2nd Father's day.  He loved playing his first ping pong game and hanging out with Dada all day! What a lucky little guy to have such a great Dad!!!

Speaking of Dad- Charlie looks up to him so much! After his dinner, you can find him glued to the door waiting for his Dada to come home with him saying 'Dada, Dada' over and over again!!!
 You can also find Charlie like this during the day- he desperately want to be like his Dada!
After all this time he is spending with Mama this summer, I've caught him doing this in the bathroom.  Yikes- he might need to spend a little extra one on one time with Dada in July! :)

He has become a little more picky with his foods this month.  The foods that once were his favorites he now throws on the floor.  :( He has found his new favorite food though- chips and salsa!! He is definitely a Boggs/Rucker kid!!
He loves saying 'hi' to anyone on the phone! Give him a phone and he puts it to his ear and says 'hi' in the cutest voice!
One thing he has become obsessed with this month is taking Justin's laundry hamper out of his closet and dragging it into the hallway and sitting on it.  Not sure why he enjoys this but he does! Silly kid!
Leave Charlie alone for 2 minutes and odds are extremely high this is what you're going to find.  Oh my golly!!! If we don't close the bathroom doors bring on the tp party...

He loves our park dates!!
He is such a happy and smiley boy- we are so blessed for that!!! 

 Happy 18 months sweet boy! We are so proud of you and love you so much!!!
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