Saturday, March 24, 2012

First Surgery - Tubes and Adenoids

After many, many ear and sinus infections over the past few months, Charlie's docs decided it was time for him to have his adenoids removed and to get tubes.  He woke up the morning of the surgery in the best mood- he had no idea what was coming! Doesn't he look adorable in his new pj's?! Thank you Kandi!!! 

Getting ready to head to the hospital.....

Once we arrive we filled out paperwork and Charlie was super friendly to everyone

Getting ready......

Overall the surgery took about 45 minutes- the longest 45 minutes ever!!!! He was a trooper though and did great!
Flashback 30ish years ago to when Justin got tubes.  Crazy how similar they look!!! 

He was in so much pain at this point and just wanted to go home and  sleep- Justin felt bad for the poor guy...
 Heading home....
Once we got home he slept for 4 hours and bounced right back.  He ate well, walked around some, danced to Sesame Street, and enjoyed the beautiful weather outside.  Way to go Charlie- you are a trooper!!!
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