Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Matt, Dawn, and Miles Visit

A few weeks ago, Matt, Dawn, & Miles came to visit.  We had a great time and Charlie loved hanging out with his cousin again! We first were at Nana and Papa's house for lots of fun!

Nana bought the boys the cutest matching outfit and we wanted to get pictures with them in it- aren't they cute?!?!?!

Glenda and Carroll then came over and Charlie loved hanging out with them.....
.....and putting on Carroll's glasses.

The next day we headed to the Keith Urban concert and Christina and Chase joined us.

 It was the BEST concert ever! When he is back we must go again!!

 He even came to our section!!! Highlight of the night!

The next day everyone came over to our house after work for more fun. We tried again to get the perfect picture in their cute outfits.

What a great visit we had! We can't wait for the boys to hang out again over the holidays!!
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