Monday, May 2, 2011

Guess who is 4 months?!

Baby Charlie is!!!!

We can not believe that our sweet boy is already 4 months!  This month has flown by and again has been our favorite month!! Each month just keeps getting better and better! He has been smiling and cooing up a storm.  We love carrying on a conversation with's pretty cute!!! Look how much he has grown over the past four months....we can not believe it!!!

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Here are some highlights from the month.....

He has found his hands.  He loves to put them in his mouth or just clasp them together all the time!!!

He has moved into size 2 diapers! Yay Charlie!!!

He has turned into an awesome sleeper!!! Most nights he will sleep around 11 hours straight!!!! Yay Charlie!!!!! Waking him up his my favorite part of the day. He wakes up so happy! :)

He is more alert during our nightly reading time- another one of my favorite times during the day. Even though he is not looking at the book here, I think he is soaking it all in! :)

He is meeting more and more people each month.  Just yesterday he met Jenny, Zack,  and sweet Bekah.  Jenny was my roomate in college and now lives in Houston.  Charlie pretty much slept during our visit, but it was great to see them!! Thanks so much for stopping by!

Happy 4 month birthday Charlie!! We love you so much sweet thing!
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