Happy one month birthday to our sweet baby boy!!! We can not believe that a month has already flown by. We think that you are absolutely perfect and love everything about you. We love all your noises that you make- even if they are in the middle of the night and we can't get any sleep. :) We love how dramatic you are and all of your cute facial expressions you make, the way that you stretch when we unwrap you from your swaddle, the way that your Dad gets excited seeing you after a long day at work, the way you fall asleep on us, your loud emotional cries, how sweet you look when you are sleeping so peacefully, your strong kicks, how well that you are eating, and how you have gained so much weight since we brought you home. Your mom and dad could not be more proud of you CAR!
Here he is at one month with Max the Monkey. Justin brought this monkey back with him from NYC when we were dating for me. Hasn't Charlie grown since we brought him home a month ago?! We sure think so....he is starting to look so big and he hasn't even reached his due date yet. This was one of the outfits that I wanted him to come home in from the hospital. It was way too big for him then and look how he is growing into it. Yay!!!
It was a little hard to get the 'perfect' picture, but this will do. Isn't he cute?!
We love you Charlie and can't wait for the new memories we will make during month number 2! :)