Friday, February 25, 2011

Operation Nursery: Complete!

With Charlie being born so early, I never had a chance to post pictures from his completed nursery. His furniture arrived two weeks prior to me being put in the hospital on bed rest. My 'plan' was to finish he nursery over Christmas break and everything would be perfect and we would be ready by the New Year- a month prior to Charlie's due date. I had it all figured out and very well organized in my mind. Well, I've learned through all this that there really isn't a set 'plan', things will change, and that we are not in control. So, with me going on hospital bed rest Justin finished up the nursery for me. He did such a good job and it was exactly how I had imagined it would look like.  We still have a few pictures and shelves that we are wanting to hang, but it is good for now.

View of nursery when you walk in
 Changing table and monkey tree on wall.  Thank you Justin and Adam for putting it on the is my favorite part of the nursery! 
 His bookshelf....already stocked with lots of great reading material. :)
 Up close shot of his crib.  Thanks Justin, Christina, and Adam for putting up his name on the wall.  I love it! 
 Another favorite part of the nursery....the glider! Charlie and I have spent many hours (awake and asleep) in this.  It is so comfy and wonderful! I love it!!! 
 Charlie's room sign and them both! 
 His dresser already stocked with lots of cute clothes, socks, hats, etc. 
Sweet Charlie sleeping in his crib 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Who does Charlie look like?

We have been trying to figure out who Charlie looks more like- Mom or Dad?   We have looked at both of our baby pictures and he has both of our features.  Everyone tells us though he looks just like Justin.  I thought it would be fun to do this to see what this website thought too.  Looks like Justin by 5%. :) Who do you think baby Charlie looks more like?

Stretch Charlie Stretch!!!

This is how I start my day each morning.  Isn't he adorable stretching?! We think so!! :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Charlie's New Toys

It's hard to believe that our little guy is already 7 weeks old! Wow! Time is just flying by and we are really wanting it to slow down just a bit!! We introduced a few new toys to Charlie this week and we have had so much fun watching him with them.  Here is what we have been up to this week....

Thank you Daddy for putting together his swing.  Charlie loves would have never known that he was having an emotional meltdown five minutes before this. You can't really see his face in this picture, but he is so happy now. :)
Quickly after he fell asleep and was so relaxed! Doesn't he look cute?!
He has really been enjoying his playmat too.  Last week, I got it out for him and he fell asleep instantly on it.  This week though, he was much more alert! Yay! I love it!!

Here is a video of his 'tummy time' he did today.  He is getting so strong and pulling himself up better each day.  Before we know it he will be crawling around. :)
We love you CAR!! Happy 7 weeks!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

More firsts for Charlie

Charlie has had more first over the past few days!! Over the weekend, the weather was beautiful and we had our first family walk together! It was so nice to get out of the house and to test out our new stroller.  We loved it!! Here are a few shots of our walk together....
Mom and Charlie
Dad, Charlie and Ripley
Sweet Charlie up close
Towards the end of the walk...
Up close and Charlie waving to the camera :)
Isn't he cute?!
Then, the next day was Charlie's first Valentine's Day!!! We always thought Charlie just might be a Valentine baby.  We had no idea that he would already be six weeks old at this point! Wow! Being that Valentine's Day is one of my favorite times of the year I had to find the perfect outfit for him.  Justin found this cute onesie for him.....doesn't he look adorable?! I sure thought so! 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Snow Days!!

Last week, the weather quickly changed in Dallas.  It was in the 70's over the weekend and then by Monday evening it dropped to freezing temperatures.  We usually have a 'snow day' around this time of the year, but nothing like this.  We had four days in a row of ice, sleet, and then on Friday...SNOW! It was beautiful!!! Charlie didn't understand what all the fuss was about though and kept to his normal routine of sleeping and eating.  Here he is sleeping peacefully away.....
We were so excited to have Dad home with us for two of the days last week.  Here they both are working from home together....
We tried to show Charlie his first snow, but again he wasn't very interested or impressed.  Maybe next year we will be able to go out and enjoy it more. :)
Ripley on the other hand LOVED the snow!!! We always thought that he favored the Australian Dingo and should be in the Outback.  After last week though, it looked like he was meant more for the snow.  Check out how much fun he is having.....

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy One Month Charlie!

Happy one month birthday to our sweet baby boy!!! We can not believe that a month has already flown by. We think that you are absolutely perfect and love everything about you.  We love all your noises that you make- even if they are in the middle of the night and we can't get any sleep. :) We love how dramatic you are and all of your cute facial expressions you make, the way that you stretch when we unwrap you from your swaddle, the way that your Dad gets excited seeing you after a long day at work, the way you fall asleep on us, your loud emotional cries, how sweet you look when you are sleeping so peacefully, your strong kicks, how well that you are eating, and how you have gained so much weight since we brought you home.  Your mom and dad could not be more proud of you CAR!

Here he is at one month with Max the Monkey.  Justin brought this monkey back with him from NYC when we were dating for me.  Hasn't Charlie grown since we brought him home a month ago?! We sure think so....he is starting to look so big and he hasn't even reached his due date yet.  This was one of the outfits that I wanted him to come home in from the hospital.  It was way too big for him then and look how he is growing into it.  Yay!!!

It was a little hard to get the 'perfect' picture, but this will do.  Isn't he cute?!
We love you Charlie and can't wait for the new memories we will make during month number 2! :)
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