Sunday, May 25, 2014

We're back!!!

We took a little hiatus from the blog since the start of 2014.  Between teaching, our sweet baby turning one, having sinus surgery, being hospitalized for a blood clot, trying to keep up with our energetic 3 year old, and ending out the school year... the blog fell a little behind!  But, I think we are on the up-swing and things are getting a little calmer around the Rucker household these days--knock on wood.  Here is what we have been up to these past 4 months.

Winston came in from SF and we had the chance to spend an evening with him.  The last time we saw him Charlie was around a year old and Luke wasn't even born yet.  It was great catching up.
We went to the fire station to visit Uncle Chase- Charlie LOVED it!!! Thank you Uncle Chase!

We celebrated Valentine's Day with these 2 sweet boys......

Our sweet Luke turned 1! Can't believe our baby is 1.  I'll post more pics of his party in a different post.  But, he truly is the sweetest and calmest baby ever.  Not sure how that happened, but we sure are blessed by this little guy!!!
We went to the Arboretum with Nana

Back in February I found out that I needed sinus surgery.  I was having infection after infection and learned I had a deviated septum and had a hard time breathing.  I had the surgery over spring break and I'm slowly starting to feel better.  It's amazing how much better I can breathe! Here I am before going in for surgery.
Shortly after my sinus surgery, I was hospitalized for a blood clot in my arm.  Turns out the IV caused an infection that turned into a blood clot.  Thankful for wonderful grandparents that helped by taking good care of the boys during this crazy time.

After I was slowly feeling better Charlie and I saw Thomas with Uncle Matt, Aunt Dawn, Miles, and Kennedy.  I didn't get many pictures- but he had a blast! Charlie is obsessed with everything Thomas!

This is what it was like when we left Thomas.  It was a full-on meltdown of him kicking and screaming.  Thankful for Uncle Matt who was able to help since I wasn't cleared to lift the boys quite yet.  I think its safe to say that he had a fun time and didn't want to leave!
Luke turned 13 months!!! The big milestone was that he started to crawl this month! Way to go Lukie!
Charlie and Luke are starting to love bath time together! I think their mission each night is to make the floor a lake- usually Luke is the one starting it!

Charlie celebrated Week of the Young Child at his school.  Thank you to Daddy who went in my place.  I had no more days to take off. :(

We celebrated Easter! I'll post more pics in a separate post, but it was a great day! Plus we celebrated Kennedy's 1st birthday!

Charlie and Luke visited my school and met all the 'big kids'.  It was so special having them with us for a short time and my class loved meeting them!

Luke turned 14 months!!! The big milestone this month was that he is starting to cruise a lot!!
We celebrated Mother's Day- very thankful for all of these wonderful women in my life!

Thankful that we are on the ups and that summer is only 4 days away!! Looking forward to a calm and low key summer break! Whohoo!!!!
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