Monday, December 16, 2013

9 months!

Happy 9 months Luke!!
He had his 9 month appointment last week and all was great!! Below are his stats:

Weight: 19 pounds, 6 ounces-  42nd%
Height: 29.75 inches- 92nd%!!!
Head: 17.5 inches- 30th%

The start of the month he was fitted for his 3rd and final helmet! Yay!!!
 He was helmet free for 2 weeks and this is what he looked like when he realized he didn't have to wear it for a while! :)
 He loved hanging out with his big brother! His eyes light up when Charlie is around!
 He also loves bath time- I think he is going to be a lover of the water like his mama!
 He took big boy baths with Charlie!

Happy 9 months sweet boy!!!

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