Sunday, June 30, 2013

Swim Lessons

Charlie started swimming lessons last week.  Thus far, he has not been a fan of the water and we were hoping swim lessons would help.  His lessons were every day M-Th for the past two weeks- a total of eight lessons.  There have been lots of tears, but he has learned so much thanks to his amazing teacher.  She did a great job! Yay Charlie!

First day of swim lessons- he's really proud of his new swimsuit! "Big whale!"
Day 2- doesn't love class so much, but loves the sucker his teacher gives him after the lesson! Way to go Charlie!
 Day 3- lots of tears before this lesson- poor guy!! But, he swam really well and made lots of progress!
Day 4- we came straight from school and so we changed in the car.  No tears at all!!!! Whohoo!!
 Practicing getting out of the pool
 Kick Charlie Kick!
 He did so good we got a french fry treat after class.  Way to go Charlie!
Day 5- He pooped in the pool and all classes were canceled for the rest of the day.  Oh boy, Charlie!!!

Day 6- Did well and recovered from the day before! :)

Day 7- Yay Charlie! Swimming on his own!

Day 8- Our little swimmer!

Thank you to his wonderful teacher for teaching him how to swim- we will be back next year to learn more! 
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