Friday, May 17, 2013

Mother's Day Weekend

Our mother's day weekend was a fun filled one! It started on Saturday with a trip to the new Perot Museum with the Rucker's.  It was a great time and Charlie loved it! Can't wait to go back over the summer! 
 Luke loved the dinos!!! :)
Checking out the exhibits with Uncle Adam
 Proof that we were there too. :) If Charlie saw this picture I think he would say 'tired Mama!'  This Mama needs some sleep!!
 Gigi and Uncle Adam
 Charlie loved the drums!
 Mother Daughter
 Happy Mother's Day Gigi!
 And this is what happens what Charlie refuses his nap!!! He fell asleep eating chips and salsa during dinner!!
 The next day we headed to Mom and Dad's for a mexican fiesta!!! It was extra special having Kennedy and Luke with us this year!
 After mom received her Keith Urban tickets- so excited to see him again!!!
 Maw-Maw and Luke
 Papa and Kennedy
 Dada and Luke
 Mama and Luke
 4 generations!!
 So thankful to be Charlie and Luke's Mama! Very blessed!!! Such a great Mother's Day!

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