Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Luke's nursery

Luke's nursery is complete!!   Unlike Charlie's nursery, I didn't go with a theme for Luke's nursery.  I started with the bedding that I loved and worked around that.  I thought the colors were perfect and exactly what I had in mind.  Below are some of my favorite pictures of his room.....hope you enjoy!

View of crib when you walk in...
 His mobile- I love it! I wanted something different than the normal mobiles and I thought this was perfect!!
Wall art- the four seasons....Justin's idea
 Both courtesy of Etsy...
 On the changing table- love this bible verse!
As a 2nd grade teacher, I had to display books somewhere.  I fell in love with this bookshelf the moment I saw it.  I can't wait until he can use it- hopefully he will have a love for books like his big brother.  Charlie already loves it!! :)
Our sweet boy in his crib...
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