Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fall Fun!

A few weeks ago we took Charlie to the Arboretum pumpkin patch.  If you have never been to the Arboretum during this time it is a must!! I was amazed at how many pumpkins they have.  Everything was beautiful! Charlie was in an off mood and it was hard to get a good picture of him- he was not his happy self like he usually is.  Four teeth were coming in on the top and he had drool coming from his mouth constantly.  Just a day later he had a fever and we knew it must of been from the teething! I still got a few pictures and we had a good time!

In the middle of our photo shoot he decided it was time for his nap.  It was his nap time, so I don't blame him. :)
We had a great time! Thanks mom, Maw-Maw and Aunt Glenda for spending the afternoon at the Arboretum with us!!!

The same weekend, we had the opportunity to go to the TX/OU game! We were so excited to get away for the day and mom and dad offered to watch Charlie overnight.  It was a fun break and we really appreciated them giving us the tickets and watching Charlie while we were away having fun!!! 

We also took Charlie to my school carnival a few weeks ago.  It was his first carnival, so I didn't know how he would do with all the noise, people, and the heat.  But he did great! I forgot to take a lot of pictures, but I did get one with one of my sweet students this year!

I have always loved fall, but I love it more this year with Charlie!!! :)
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