Sunday, April 10, 2011

Working Mom

Three weeks down of this working mom thing, and I'm slowly starting to get the hang of it.  It is so much harder than I ever imagined being away from Charlie each day.  The first two weeks were definitely the hardest, filled with lots of tears (from me- not Charlie!), but the third week was a little easier.  It is still hard being away from him, but we are starting to get our routine down, and I deeply cherish our nights and weekends together.  He gets our full attention when we are together and each smile I get from him is such a blessing!!

We are so thankful to have both of our moms watch him while we are away at work.  It has made this transition so much easier and we are so blessed to have them watch him daily. I know Charlie enjoys this special time with his two Grandmothers as well.  They text us pictures throughout the day and it makes the day that much better. :) Here is what they have been up to....

Nana and Charlie
 He is a Longhorn fan already
Love his smiles....he is starting to stick his tongue out a lot too.  It's pretty cute!
After their afternoon walk
Tummy time
I love my play time
 Waving hi

Thank you for helping us out! We so appreciate all of your help! I can not wait to spend the summer with this little guy! Only 7 more weeks!! :)
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